Die Comédie-Française (auch Théâtre-Français) ist eines von sechs Theatern in Frankreich, die den Status eines Nationaltheaters (Théâtre national) innehaben. Nous m Die Comédie-Française (auch Théâtre-Français) ist eines von sechs Theatern in Frankreich, die den Status eines Nationaltheaters (Théâtre national) innehaben. [43], In an article published in the March 1928 issue of Gazette des Beaux-Arts, Russian scholar Sergei Ersnt [ru] reported that the panel has a label on the verso stating that it was owned by the painter Nicolas Bailly [fr][note 6] (1659–1736), a curator of the royal collections who authored a 1709–1710 inventory of the paintings of King Louis XIV;[45] in 1984, Rosenberg said that he wasn't surprised about Ernst's report, given Bailly's relations within artistic circles. Il 5 febbraio 1681, i comédiens français si riunirono con un atto costitutivo di associazione che regolava in particolar modo il regime pensionistico degli attori. Prochaine diffusion : Juste la fin du monde, samedi 14 novembre à 20h30 Suivre notre chaine YouTube: Notre boutique en ligne est ouverte ! Februar 1830 kam es anlässlich der Uraufführung von Victor Hugos Stück Hernani im Theater zur sogenannten „Schlacht um Hernani“. Sous l'étude n" 198, Mariette a écrit : « Portrait de l'abbé Larancher. Em 31 de maio de 1799, o novo governo colocou, à disposição dos atores que pretendiam reconstituir a companhia, a sala Richelieu. Este texto é disponibilizado nos termos da licença. [12] In 1950, Adhémar attributed the work to the period from Spring to Autumn of 1716. Mascarade (also spelled Masquerade), a mezzotint by French-born English printmaker John Simon, was mentioned by Charles Blanc[71] and John Chaloner Smith[72][73] in their respective studies, and was presumed to be a repetition of Thomassin's print by some authors (notably including Dacier and Vuaflart[17]), given similarity in the number of characters. September 1793 per Verordnung des Wohlfahrtsausschusses geschlossen und die Schauspieler verhaftet. To the left side, a young woman turned to the right in profile, appears in a Polish-styled red dress and white chipper, leaning on the balustrade and holding a black mask in the right hand. Die Comédie-Française verfügt über drei Theater in Paris: den Richelieu-Saal, das Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier und das Studio-Théâtre. [24][25] In his writings, Pierre Hédouin [fr] referred to the work as Le Rendez-vous du bal masqué,[26] before Edmond de Goncourt's Catalogue raisonné... introduced the Mariette-mentioned title into common use. [48] In 1772, the Crozat collection, with Coquettes being its part, was acquired by Catherine the Great, and was mostly transitioned into the Russian empress and her successors' collection in Saint Petersburg, now known as the Hermitage Museum. [49] In 1920, Coquettes qui pour voir was restored to the Hermitage; currently it's on display in room 284, formerly the second room of military pictures in the Winter Palace. The rounded, resilient brushstrokes seem to have benn applied with the lightness of spontaneous improvisation, yet at the same time with a bold precision which only a mature master could command. De Comédie-Française werd opgericht bij decreet van Lodewijk XIV in 1680. The print was cited in François-Bernard Lépicié's obituary notice for Thomassin that appeared in the March 1741 issue of the Mercure de France magazine. WorldCat Identities (EN) lccn-n50052276 Portale Parigi Portale Teatro. Actors of the Comédie-Française is an oil on panel painting in the Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, by the French Rococo artist Jean-Antoine Watteau (1684–1721). [note 7] The label has been deciphered as "N Bailly [prove]nant <…> de lonay aux gallery;" Nemilova noted that de Lonay was an expert mentioned by the Parisian merchant and art collector Pierre Crozat — once a patron of Watteau — in his last will and testament. Den 31. mai 1799 åpnet den nye regjering Salle Richelieu igjen og tillot skuespillerne å rekonstituere teatertruppen. La Comédie-Française dispone oggi di un repertorio di tremila opere teatrali e di tre teatri a Parigi: la salle Richelieu (parte del Palais-Royal), il Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier e lo Studio-Théâtre. Comédie-Française (slovenský preklad: Francúzska komédia) alebo Théâtre-Français (slov. Comédie-Française (pengucapan bahasa Prancis: [kɔmedi fʁɑ̃sɛz]) atau Téâtre-Français (IPA: [teatʁə fʁɑ̃sɛ]) adalah salah satu dari teater negara di Prancis dan dianggap sebagai teater tertua yang masih aktif di dunia. [37]:144[38], In a 1950 monograph on Watteau, Hélène Adhémar identified the lady in red as Charlotte Desmares, similarly to Schéfer;[39] Adhémar's point was furthered in Karl Parker and Jacques Mathey's 1957–1958 catalogue of Watteau drawings; they concluded that the old man could be another Comédie-Française player, Pierre Le Noir. Completed in the 1710s, it forms a half-length group portrait, possibly the rarest case in Watteau's body of work, and has been given different interpretations by scholars, who believed it to be a depiction either of commedia dell'arte masks, members of the Comédie-Française or a family group. : Molièrov dom), je jediným štátnym divadlom vo Francúzsku, ktoré má stály súbor.Je najvplyvnejšou a najviac … In notes to Pellegrino Antonio Orlandi's Abecedario pittorico, Pierre-Jean Mariette referred to the work as Coquettes qui pour voir galans au rendez vous (transl. C'est le seul théâtre d'État en France disposant d'une troupe permanente de comédiens, la Troupe des Comédiens français. Sein großer Einfluss auf die französische Theaterlandschaft und die Schauspielkunst prägte die Geschichte des Hauses. Under den franske revolusjon ble Comédie-Française stengt den 3. september 1793 på ordre fra Comité de salut public, som i realiteten styrte Frankrike under Skrekkveldet, og skuespillerne ble satt i fengsel. Nel XX secolo, gli scenari della Comédie-Française furono concepiti da noti pittori, tra i quali Marie Laurencin, Valentine Hugo, Christian Bérard, Jean Carzou, Cassandre, Raoul Dufy, Richard Peduzzi o il regista Bob Wilson. Das Haus der Comédie-Française befindet sich im 1. Na de staasgreep van Napoleon Bonaparte vormde de groep rond de acteur Talma in 1799 de nieuwe Comédie-Française op de huidige locatie. [15] An X-ray analysis published by Soviet scholars in 1973 revealed changes in the composition showing that in the early stages the woman at the left was bareheaded, wore a different costume, and had placed her mask on the balustrade. Das Haus der Comédie-Française befindet sich im 1. De Comédie-Française of Théâtre-Français, is het voornaamste staatstheater van Frankrijk en het enige waaraan een vast toneelgezelschap verbonden is. O dramaturgo com maior ligação à Comédie-Française foi Molière, considerado o patrono dos atores franceses. Comédie-Française je jedno z pěti divadel ve Francii, které má status Národního divadla (Théâtre national). This page was last edited on 31 October 2020, at 12:28. "[17] François-Bernard Lépicié refers to the composition as Retour de Bal in a 1741 obituary of Henri Simon Thomassin [fr], believing the figures to be returning from a ball;[18]:569[19] in contrary, Catalogue Crozat of 1755 and Dezallier d'Argenville fils described it as a depiction of masked figures preparing for a ball. 12:43. Le assegnazioni erano stabilite dall'autore se vivo e, in caso contrario, dai primi gentiluomini della Camera del re. È il solo teatro francese di Stato che dispone di una compagnia permanente di attori, la Troupe des Comédiens français.Il drammaturgo più conosciuto legato alla Comédie-Française è Molière.
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