For the whole 6 months of the trial, the treatment group maintained the same relative weight-loss advantage over the placebo group. Plants have been the primary source of medicines since life on earth; more than 50 % of existing cancer treatments are derived from plants. Ephedra is a stimulant that has caused heart attack and stroke resulting in several deaths. Available at: Many of these medicinal plants possess good immunomodulatory and antioxidant properties, which may lead to anticancer activities. Echoing our findings in this research, members of the family Compositae and Lamiaceae were the most commonly used as presented in Table 2.,, e.T201696A9167394. PubMed From radiation therapy to clinical trials to check-ins with your doctor, your care is made as convenient as possible. This research shows that the medicinal plants still play a role in the care of cancer patients in Palestine. 2003;27(2):123-124. Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed. All rights reserved. Florae Libycae Prodromus, ou, Catalogue raisonné des plantes de Tripolitaine. However, Ephedra alata were reported to treat three different types of cancer (brain, liver and colon). "Dioecious, much branched, erect, not climbing shrub; branches rigid, yellowish-green, scabrous-glabrous. Siegel R, Naishadham D, Jemal A. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Romet, Froreisen Successeur. Most of the mentioned plants in Table 2 are edible plants and the most of the non-edible plants were used externally. The highest one (40.74 %) was for liver cancer. Intake of ephedrine exposes the user to unacceptable negative side effects, including mood disturbances, abnormal heart function, hypertension, gastrointestinal dysfunction and headache, while providing small amounts of added weight loss and/or central nervous system stimulation. Another study examined the possible benefits of ephedrine for treatment of Phytochem Rev. Side effects of adjuvant treatment of breast cancer. C. Male branch. Today, the main importance of Ephedra species in the medical field is due to the presence of the alkaloids derived from phenyl-alanine, which act on the sympathetic nervous system as a sympathomimetic. Any stimulant drugs (including caffeine): Do not take ephedra except under physician supervision. 2004 Aug 31. In fact, its main use is to select disease categories where there is consensus on the use of plants among the informants. Ephedrine failed to prove more effective than placebo. The phytochemical analysis of Dolichos lablab showed that it contained sugar, alcohols, phenols, steroids, essential oils, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, saponins, coumarins, terpenoids, pigments, glycosides, anthnanoids, wide range of minerals and many other metabolites. as well as the evidence described above, ephedra should definitely not be taken by a person with: Furthermore, one should never combine ephedra with monoamine-oxidase inhibitors (MAO inhibitors), such as Nardil (phenelzine), or fatal reactions may develop. Medscape Medical News. These informants represented most of the practitioners in this field in the West Bank (Sociodemographic characteristics are presented in Table 1). Also, it is of significance to utilize new therapeutic natural plant products in various treatments of diseases. 2000;56:424-430. Jacobson M, Earle CC, Price M, Newhouse JP. Bruno A, Nolte KB, Chapin J. Stroke associated with ephedrine use. IOSR Journal. The su- spension cultures were treated with two biotic elicitors, namely Aspergillus niger and yeast extract, to enhance the synthesis of ephedrine – the bioactive constituent of E. alata. The pharmacological studies showed that Dodonaea viscosa possessed antidiabetic, antimicrobial, insecticidal, antioxidant, cytotoxic, antifertility, wound, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-ulcer, antispasmodic, anti-diarrheal and detoxification effects. Cancer types treated with herbals in Palestine. Fl is of equal importance to Fic and it can be calculated according to the following equation: Where Np is the number of informants that reported a use of a plant species to treat a particular disease and N is the number of informants that used the plants as a medicine to treat any given disease [29]. Am J Epidemiol. N Africa, Sinai, Palestine, Kuwait, Arabia, Cyprus. A systematic review cited insufficient evidence to support use of ephedra for weight loss (21). 2003;138:468-471. Fic values obtained for the reported cancers indicate the degree of shared knowledge among informants for the treatment of a cancer by certain medicinal plants. Ephedra was shown to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties (1) (2) (3). However, the benefits are modest. A double-blind trial. Ethiopia J Med Plants Res. 2011;17:235–40. Ephedra's other major ingredient, pseudoephedrine, became the decongestant Sudafed. "Phytochemical Characterization and Evaluation of the Antimicrobial, Antiproliferative and Pro-Apoptotic Potential of Ephedra alata Decne. ephedrine hydrochloride improved internal sphincter. 2005;17:581-584. Danciu C, Muntean D, Alexa E, Farcas C, Oprean C, Zupko I, Bor A, Minda D, Proks M, Buda V, Hancianu M, Cioanca O, Soica C, Popescu S, Dehelean CA. These alkaloids can be used as decongestants because they constrict peripheral blood vessels, but in high doses, they also raise blood pressure (1) (2) (3). Continuing in the tradition of the acclaimed first edition, Pharmacodynamic Basis of Herbal Medicine, Second Edition examines in extensive detail the physiologic effects of complimentary and alternative therapies, foods, supplements, vitamins, and traditional herbal remedies. The FDA has banned the sales of dietary supplements that contain ephedra because of their significant risk to human health (12) (13). These patients did not have increased rates of Part of • These two species had an appreciable anti-inflammatory activity in RAW 264.7 macrophages. determined by using rutin reference standard method, equivalent/g of extract powder) , while in. The current paper reviewed the chemical constituents, nutritional and pharmacological importance of Ficus carica. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 1975;190:880–1. Use of ephedra has been associated with severe inflammation of the liver (in at least one case requiring a liver transplant)24,25,35 and of the heart.26 Proceedings of Indian Science Cong 1976; 62: 93. 6., H-6720 Szeged, Hungary, Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babeş“, Eftimie Murgu Square, No. Thus, consuming a diet rich in antioxidant plant foods (e.g. 2010;81:462–71. belongs to the Ephedraceae family. CAS Ma huang associated acute liver failure requiring liver transplantation. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy 2017; 7(2): A review. myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular accident [71]. belongs to the Ephedraceae family. Breum L, Pedersen JK, Ahlstrom F, et al. Decaisne, J. Azaizeh H, Saad B, Khalil K, Said O. 2011;61:69–90. The various species of Ephedra are widespread in many lands, native to southwestern North America, southern Europe, northern Africa, southwest and central Asia, northern China and western South America. PE with time was determined by GC-MS method. Chen WL, Tsai TH, Yang CC, Kuo TB. volume 16, Article number: 93 (2016) The extract possessed antifungal activity against all the tested fungi. Ephedra is a genus of gymnosperm shrubs, the only genus in its family, Ephedraceae, and order, Ephedrales.The various species of Ephedra are widespread in many lands, native to southwestern North America, southern Europe, northern Africa, southwest and central Asia, northern China and western South America.. Shekelle PG, Hardy ML, Morton SC, et al. herb ephedra, creating potential risk of overdosage.
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