Each friend has 10 friendship ranks which can be leveled up by completing quests, sharing a meal together, playing a game of gobstones, and enjoying some butterbeer. Chronologically, this quest should take place in the next chapter, which is why Torvus will greet you like a friend. Use promo code "gamingisfun". Tap on those if you are interested to find out what they have to say. In order to unlock the Niffler Lesson, you need to obtain a total of nine stars from the Care of Magical Creatures classes. You’ll either have to wait for three hours or use some gems before you can continue. Try to exploit this in order to get the upper hand. After earning each star, you’ll be given a mini-task. Approach this task in a similar manner to any of the classes. You have three options to respond with. The first two options will give you five attribute points, while the third one is worth ten Courage points. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Clocktower Courtyard. Immediately after, you went and returned it to Torvus. When you are done, hit the Collect button to continue. Do this just like the classes you had beforehand and you shouldn’t have any trouble completing it in time. Now, you can resume the side quest. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery is the first game in which players can create their own character and experience life as a Hogwarts student. Your friend will then ask what to do next. What position does charlie play?. Thankfully, after drinking some butterbeer and explaining the situation, your classmate agreed to let you borrow their broom.Now you can start things off by doing the lessons part of the chapter. Then you went and searched his office, but all the brooms in there were broken. Shortly after, the chapter will be complete. Tap on the handshake icon to open the task window. The next part of it requires you to visit Torvus (a character you have yet to meet in the main story) and do the interview with him. Another tactic is to stun him with either Confringo or Petrificus Totalus and then use those two rounds for maximum Aggression while he is stunned. If nothing else, the Attribute advantage should give you the push you need to defeat him. Afterward, you’ll need to convince your friend to join you in the Forbidden Forest. In total, you’ll need about thirty energy to complete this task, which should easily be doable with a single energy bar. You procured a pranking item from Zonko’s and easily managed to take care of Filch. Picking the first option is recommended as long as your Empathy is level eighteen or above. You can expect to spend around fifty energy to earn all of the stars. You’ll then get to duel Torvus. You’ll talk some more and then you’ll agree to look for the arrowhead in exchange for Torvus’ help with locating the next vault. Even after all the search, the only thing you’ll be able to find are some hoofprints. When you are done, you’ll assign a task to everyone before you split up. This option will award you thirty House Points, so if you are struggling with those, you should definitely consider picking this one. | All game-related assets are property of developers and/or publishers and are used by the BMG team for informational and educational purposes. You should be able to finish it with around 55-60 energy points. Pretty much all of the actions you can do here cost two energy. The three of you will ready your brooms and fly into the Forbidden Forest. Trace the wand movement on the screen to perform this spell. When you are done, Madam Rakepick will conjure a spider and ask you to cast Arania Exumai on it. Thankfully, he found the arrowhead you were looking for. You should be able to finish this one with around 50-55 energy, depending on the actions you do. Thankfully, all of your friends are there to help you with planning for the next Cursed Vault. When asked about it, you can answer in three different ways. Following this, you’ll witness a fairly comical scene between the Professor and Rita Skeeter. Simply tap on their speech bubbles in order to do so. When you earn the fifth star, you’ll need to wave your wand over the cauldron to finalize the potion. However, before you were able to find anything, the Red Cap showed up and he was quite furious to see you rummaging through his belongings. When you complete the search, you’ll stumble upon a drawing that could have clues needed to uncover the next vault. At this point, all of your attributes should be at least 1-2 points above the recommended values, and that should give you an edge. Now that the lesson is unlocked, head back to the Potions Classroom. To unlock Weedosoros Lesson, you need to earn a total of nine stars from Potions Class. If you started this task with a full energy bar, you should easily be able to finish it in one go. Ask a question for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, The members with the know how for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, You can also check out our guide for this game here, House Flipper: Home Design, Renovation Games, Ninja’s Creed: 3D Sniper Shooting Assassin Game, Global City: Build your own world. The outcome of the main story will be unaffected by this choice. Afterward, you went and searched the Red Cap’s hole. In the previous chapter, you met Charlie and discussed the plan to get rid of the Red Cap. Since all of those will lead to the same outcome, you might as well go for the third choice. To unlock Colovaria, you need to obtain a total of nine stars from the Transfiguration Class. While doing these, try to emphasize the actions with the high cost in order to optimize the usage of energy. You can respond in three different ways. Do this just like any other story task you had so far and you’ll be done quickly and easily. When the waiting time is over, proceed to the Transfiguration Classroom. But will he be willing to help you out? As you arrive, you’ll be able to interact with some of the students by tapping on the speech bubbles above them. Assuming that your energy bar was full when you started, you’ll easily be able to achieve this. You can react to this in three different ways. Searching the room is a three-hour task with the requirement of one out of five possible stars. In the previous chapter, you talked to Charlie and realized that you need a broom in order to fly into the Forbidden Forest. Because of that, it is recommended that you pick the first option. When you arrive, you’ll be able to interact with some of the characters and see what they have to say. You decided that the best course of action would be going there with one additional person. He’ll praise both of you and even offer to help you with the Cursed Vault should you need him. The first and the second answer require level twenty Courage and Knowledge respectively and each of those will award you ten Attribute and House Points. After using Reparifarge, it turned into another note. You should find a combination of classes that suits you best and do it that way. Now that you’ve done the lessons part of the chapter, you can proceed with the story. Things are slowly wrapping up. Hit the GO button and proceed to the Corridor to meet Rita Skeeter. Since all of those are needed to pass, it might be a good idea to have full energy before starting the lesson. There are several ways to do this. Shortly after, the chapter will be completed. There are several different ways to do this. To complete it, you need to obtain five stars within three hours. Completing Weedosoros lesson requires you earning five stars within three hours. You have two response options. To complete it, you need to earn five stars within one hour. Once you’ve made up your mind, hit the Start button to begin. Picking Merula, however, will open up a unique possibility to work along with your rival, so you might want to consider that option. The game made by the BlueMoonGame team is now available in stores. Head back to the Castle Grounds to attend it. Also, pay attention to the mini-tasks you get after obtaining stars. Make sure to check the characters’ remarks after completing the actions since some of those are pretty funny. However, it is missing its arrowhead. Phoenix will give you Knowledge, Puffskein Empathy and Basilisk will earn you Courage points. Learning how to brew the Ageing Potion requires you to earn five stars within three hours. It looks like Tulip invited her to assist you with the search since she has spent a lot of time in this room and her help could be necessary to uncover some clues. The only thing that’s left is to talk to Hagrid and see if he’ll be able to accompany you there. There is a waiting period of three hours before you can proceed to the next task. Professor Kettleburn will introduce Madam Rakepick and her Niffler, Sickleworth to the class. Sadly, Madam Hooch was unwilling to lend you one, so you had to resort to some alternative method of obtaining it. You’ll get to choose whether you want to protect him or learn a secret about Jacob.
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