* Publications: perform a search using our dedicated publication search engine (covering evaluation reports, analyses and studies, etc. They allow you to benefit from a navigation for your needs and data corresponding to your interests. EN. By continuing your visit on this site, you accept the use of cookies. * Publications: perform a search using our dedicated publication search engine (covering evaluation reports, analyses and studies, etc. EN. Vous assisterez à des TD (Travaux Dirigés), TP (Travaux Pratiques) mais aussi à des CM (Cours Magistraux). La formation peut s’effectuer en alternance, afin d’avoir un pied dans le monde professionnel. Search all the site. Search all the site. Keyword(s) Search publications Search the website * Publications: perform a search using our dedicated publication search engine (covering evaluation reports, analyses and studies, etc.) France, Accompany, evaluate, analyze to support the quality of higher education and research, Evaluation of universities and clusters of higher education and research institutions, Evaluation of study programmes and doctoral schools, List of signatories of the charters and of research integrity officers, Assistance with the development of quality assurance policies, Interactive map of Hcéres activity abroad, A partner for european and international projects, Analyses / Summaries / Recommendations / Scientific publications, Evaluation of clusters of higher education and research institutions, Evaluation of doctoral schools and doctoral colleges, Standards for external evaluation (group A). Keyword(s) Search publications Search the website * Publications: perform a search using our dedicated publication search engine (covering evaluation reports, analyses and studies, etc.) Evaluation of institutions : schools, institutes, research bodies, Standards for external evaluation (group B), [Infographic] Hcéres evaluation in 2020-2021, The European Framework for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Higher education and research in France overview and external evaluation. 75013 Paris Menu. Faculté des sciences et ingénierie – Université Toulouse III –Paul Sabatier 3. By continuing your visit on this site, you accept the use of cookies. 2 rue Albert Einstein ), * Entire website: Search all website content, High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education, Adresse: Après la licence, … Pour réussir la Licence Mécanique, il est important de bien la préparer. They are also used for statistics. Organisée en parcours types, définis par chaque université, la licence permet d'acquérir une culture générale solide, des compétences disciplinaires, transversales et linguistiques. 75013 Paris How do you submit the self-evaluation files? Faculté des sciences et technologies, département mécanique, … 2 rue Albert Einstein ), * Entire website: Search all website content, Evaluation reports How do you submit the self-evaluation files? FR; Accompany, evaluate, analyze to support the quality of higher education and research. Evaluation of institutions : schools, institutes, research bodies, Standards for external evaluation (group B), [Infographic] Hcéres evaluation in 2020-2021, The European Framework for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Higher education and research in France overview and external evaluation. Twitter; Youtube; LinkedIn; Search. FR; Accompany, evaluate, analyze to support the quality of higher education and research. Twitter; Youtube; LinkedIn; Search. FR, High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education, Adresse: Faculté des sciences et techniques, Université de Haute Alsace Mulhouse 4. Département licences sciences et technologie, Université Grenoble Alpes de Saint Martin d’Hères 2. Accessible avec le bac, le diplôme national de licence, 1er niveau d'études à l'université, s'obtient après six semestres d'études (3 ans). La licence mécanique est une formation diplômante de niveau II (bac+3) permettant d’obtenir 180 crédits ECTS et d’acquérir des connaissances de base en sciences de l’ingénieur. They are also used for statistics. Menu. La licence se décline en une quarantaine de mentions, allant du droit, à l'informatique, en passant par les arts. En France, de nombreux établissements proposent une formation qui permet d’obtenir le diplôme, entre autres : 1. They allow you to benefit from a navigation for your needs and data corresponding to your interests. France, Accompany, evaluate, analyze to support the quality of higher education and research, Rapport Hcéres - Licence professionnelle Métiers de l'industrie : mécanique, Licence professionnelle Métiers de l'industrie : mécanique, Evaluation of universities and clusters of higher education and research institutions, Evaluation of study programmes and doctoral schools, List of signatories of the charters and of research integrity officers, Assistance with the development of quality assurance policies, Interactive map of Hcéres activity abroad, A partner for european and international projects, Analyses / Summaries / Recommendations / Scientific publications, Evaluation of clusters of higher education and research institutions, Evaluation of doctoral schools and doctoral colleges, Standards for external evaluation (group A).

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