If you wish to sign up, you must first take an English test at the Espace Langues. This course explores the theme of diversity in its broadest sense: diversity in schools, social diversity, narratives of diversity, diversity in the workplace, diversity of practices, cultural diversity, diversity and institutions, diversity policies etc. L'objectif de ce cours vise dans un premier temps, à définir la psychologie, son objet d'étude et les méthodes utilisées après avoir présenté un aperçu historique et les courants de pensée principaux (psychanalyse, ... Université Bordeaux Montaigne. Rechercher Each semester will give 3 ECTS. VInCI, preparing for the future of the wine sector. The International Track is a project-based course aimed at developing intercultural awareness. Message de la Directrice de l’Institut de Psychologie (jeudi 29 10 2020) Chers Toutes et Tous, J’espère que vous vous portez bien. Four researchers from the Bordeaux campus awarded an ERC grant of €10M. It is open to at-home students and international students. International Track (Parcours international), Procédures de réorientation (2e semestre de Licence 1), Formation continue et adultes en reprise d'études, Emplois du temps et supports de cours (FormaToile), Tutorat et dispositifs d'aide à la réussite. Each semester in the international track is an UE bonus, giving a total of 6 extra ECTS. La Faculté de psychologie propose un cursus de formation complet (du L1 au doctorat). Domaine : Sciences Humaines et Sociales Mention : Psychologie Discipline : Psychologie Public concerné : Formation continue, Formation initiale Niveau de sortie : Licence Durée : 6 semestres Crédits : 180 crédits ECTS Composante : UF de Psychologie Site de formation : Campus Victoire - centre ville Responsable(s) de la formation :Christelle Robert The International Track is an optional course offered to 2nd year (L2) students or 3rd (L3) year in the Bachelor's Degree in Human Sciences. Bordeaux students must enrol for both semesters in the international track, either in L2 or in L3. Modalités de candidature en licence et master. Bordeaux students must enrol for both semesters in the international track, either in L2 or in L3. Présentation. Faculté de Psychologie de l'université de Bordeaux. If you obtain a B1 level or above you can then complete the online questionnaire expressing your interest in enrolling (see enrolment timetable below). The course will run on a Thursday afternoon at the Victoire. It runs over two semesters from. NEVER give out usernames or passwords (we will NEVER ask you for it). Les enseignements touchent toutes les filières de la psychologie (psychologie clinique et pathologique, psychologie sociale, psychologie du développement, de la santé, du travail, psychogérontologie, psychologie cognitive). Tu étudies :courseCode Psychologie à Université de Bordeaux? Plan d'accès; It is aimed at students studying anthropology, education, psychology, sociology, sport sciences at the University of Bordeaux who have returned from a period of study abroad, who wish in the future to study abroad or simply wish to have an international experience at home. Launch of the University of Bayreuth Gateway Office in Bordeaux. Each semester in the international track is an UE bonus, giving a total of 6 extra ECTS. Parcours international : communication interculturelle, Parcours international : tutorat de projet interculturel. Students participating in the course work collaboratively on a capsule project in which they design, produce, film and present at an event a short documentary that draws on the theme of diversity from their chosen perspective and compares international contexts and issues. Ok. A minimum entry level of B1 in English is required to follow this course. Epidemiology: the science of prevention. The course is entirely taught in English, jointly run by English for specific purposes teachers and psychology and sociology lecturers. International students may enrol for one or both semesters in the international … Sur StuDocu tu trouveras tous les examens passés et notes de cours pour cette matière. Depuis l’annonce du reconfinement par le Président de la République hier soir, nous restons dans l’attente d’informations complémentaires. International students may enrol for one or both semesters in the international track. This international Master program provides an opportunity to develop a broad understanding of key economic issues in international affairs and an in-depth knowledge of practical European and international business skills and practices. It has a dual objective: to develop your communication skills for studying in an international context, to develop your skills in human science methodology.
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