These questions will build your knowledge and your own create quiz will build yours and others people knowledge. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); 18-Mouhammad quizz sur toute l'islam!!!!! If you are still not sure what to do you can contact us for help. Quran Pak Total Haroof Qalmat Aarab Test Online Quiz Mcqs, Quran Pak Total Ruku Sajde Manzilein Info Online Quiz 2 Mcqs. Taya Smith Quiz How well do you know about Test, Bio, Birthday ,Net Worth, Height Answer these questions and find out. 7-thamoud 10 Questions Show answers. La prédiction du Pharaon Suite à la prédiction faite à Pharaon par les mages les plus illustres d’Egypte. (function(d, s, id){ :didia: :salmoualykoum5 merci a toi ma soeur je n'ai pas trop de merite , je ne ferais pas le prochain mais mon sans faute me donne le droit d'en proposer un nouveau ,juste un peu de patiente je le prepare, * Un Nouveau Quiz sur Nos Prophètes 'alayhimou salam *. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Aladin70. ... Moussa Noé . b) Moussa 24) Où le Prophète Youness est-il resté enfermé pendant trois jours ? Next Quiz. XboxAddictionz How well do you know about Bio, Birthday, Info, Height Answer these questions and find out. Delete Quiz. FB.init({ This quiz is incomplete! js = d.createElement(s); = id; autoLogAppEvents : true, Currently, we have no comments. To create a quiz, it is essential to have a good and accurate knowledge of the subject. Créer un site gratuit avec e-monsite - Signaler un contenu illicite sur ce site avec e-monsite - Signaler un contenu illicite sur ce site 11-Soulaymane 10-Al-Khadir Just select the subject about which you want to create a new quiz and go ahead with your questions and their options. 21-Soulaymane. 16-hajar OOPS! This is an Islamic Quiz on Prophets. a) Lot b) Youssef c) Haroun (Aaron) 3) Quel Prophète est appelé "l'ami d'Allah" dans le Coran ? The single most important message of all Prophets to their people was to worship Allah alone and none else and to follow His teachings. 1-Ya'coub a) Soulaymane b) Ibrahim c) Youssef. Christina Moussa Quiz How well do you know about Christina Moussa Quiz? 8-Dans un puits, par ses frères These questions will build your knowledge and your own create quiz will build yours and others people knowledge. a- 571 b- 620 c- 630 2 A quel âge a-t-il reçu la révélation? 21 novembre 2015. version : 'v3.1' Improve your general knowledge about the life history of Hazrat Musa (AS) by attempting the following quiz which contains all the important questions and answers about this topic for various Islamic general knowledge related examinations. 22) Quel peuple le Prophète Moussa a-t-il sauvé ? a- 26 ans b- 35 ans c- 40 ans 3 As quel âge s'est-il marié pour la première fois? AÏD AL ADHA: CRISE ALIMENTAIRE, DES MILLIONS DE VIES MENACÉES. 9-daoud With Free Quiz Creator Tool/Software, the developing of new quiz about any subject is a lot easier and time saving. Allahou akbar ach'adou alla illaha ill allah wa ach'hadou anna muhamadan rassoulou'llah . Christina Moussa net worth is... Christina Moussa Quiz | Test, Bio, Birthday, Net Worth, Height Family improve the knowledge and give you the fun to play. Hazrat Musa (AS) Bio Life History Quiz Online Mcq’s Test Islamyat . What Anime Series Should You Watch? With Free Quiz Creator Tool/Software, the developing of new quiz about any subject is a lot easier and time saving. manger a une n'heure préssise,ne pas insulter la profession de la foi ,le pélérinage, la priére,faire le ramadan,faire l'aumône Here at Quizzcreator This is the best questions and answer library. I hope more people take this quiz and do better. Page you're looking for doesn't exist. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Quiz: How to Have a Relationship with Much Older Man? Please use search for help. b) les Israélites 23) Quel Prophète a parlé directement avec Allah ? Quizz n°9: Récit du prophète Moussa (aleyhi salem) Auteur : Redaction Dans Quizz 02/12/2011 4 commentaires 7,611 Vues Salem aleykoum, voici le neuvième Quizz, une série de questions sous forme de QCM en espérant que vous apprécierez. What is Messengers in Arabic? js.src = ""; A travers de l’info épurée et accessible à tous, Katibîn constitue une alternative aux journaux corrompus. a- 25 ans b- 30 ans c- 38 ans 4 Comment s'appelaient ses parents? The basic aspect of creating a quiz is to approach your audience as if you are taking to them in person. 20) Quel Prophète vécut à l'époque du Prophète 'Issa ? Bismillah r-rahmani r-rahim Salam aleykoum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatouh Juste un petit quiz concernant les envoyés d'Allah SWT(PAIX SUREUX) 1) Le Prophète Youssef (Joseph) était le fils de quel autre grand Prophète ? var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; Tous les Quizz / Quiz Art et Littérature / Quiz Philosophie . Test Bio, Birthday, Net Worth, Height Answer these questions and find out if(!window.jQuery) alert("The important jQuery library is not properly loaded in your site. 6-nouh This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. All of them, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Jesus and Muhammad and others invited people to worship Allah and shun false Gods. 7. "); 15-adam 30 seconds . Test Bio, Birthday, Net Worth, Height Answer these questions and find out", Lucy Vives Quiz How Well do you know about Lucy Vives Quiz? a) ‘Issa b) Moussa c) Mouhammad. Test, Bio, Birthday, Net Worth, Height Answer these questions and find out". Hailing from North Carolina, Tyl... Aubrey Anderson-Emmons Quiz How well do you know about Aubrey Anderson-Emmons Quiz? Just select the subject about which you want to create a new quiz and go ahead with your questions and their options. Blowek Quiz How well do you know about Blowek Quiz? are forbidden by Skyrock's 'General Terms of Use' and that you can be identified by your IP address ( if someone makes a complaint. Katibîn est un blog actu sur le monde de l’Islam. Currently, we have no comments. a) Ibrahim (Abraham) b) Ya'coub (Jacob) c) Moussa (Moïse) 2) Quel est le nom du frère du Prophète Moussa ? Prophets in Quran their Name Life info Online Quiz Test, Quran Pak Total Ruku Sajde Manzilein Info Online Quiz 1 Mcqs, Quran Pak and Angels Name Duties Info Online Quiz Mcqs. answer choices Je temoigne qu'il n'y a pas d'autre Dieu que Dieu et que Mohamed est son messager. 3-issa Quiz N° 18 Connaissances en Islam Voici un nouveau Quiz alors mes et au boulot.... 1 En quel année le Prophète (sws) est-il né? a) les Thamouds b) les Israélites c) les Sodomites. Précommande Assassin’s Creed Valhalla sur ... Re SALAM au fait tu as tout bon Machaa Allah mon frère Alhamdu Lillah! }); SURVEY . Au delà, c’est un portail de l’Islam riche de plusieurs rubriques dont l’objectif est de parvenir à éveiller les consciences et poser un regard différent, un regard jeune et vif sur le monde actuel; un monde où les populations sont souvent conditionnées par les mensonges des mass-médias; pour que soit écrite la Vérité. 1) Le Prophète Youssef (Joseph) était le fils de quel autre grand Prophète ? a) Ibr c) Dans le ventre d'une baleine 25) Le Prophète 'Issa était : a) musulman ? ... Citez la doua du prophète Moussa alayhi salam? Posted on Thursday, 06 December 2007 at 5:31 PM, je vais repondre a quelque quiz You can switch to another theme and you will see that the plugin works fine and this notice disappears. The basic aspect of creating a quiz is to approach your audience as if you are taking to them in person. 22) Quel peuple le Prophète Moussa a-t-il sauvé ? Question 6, Quel est ce prophète qui a vécu des centaines d'années ? Improve your general knowledge about the life history of Hazrat Musa (AS) by attempting the following quiz which contains all the important questions and answers about this topic for various Islamic general knowledge related examinations. 17-Youssef Here You can enjoy both Questions like Christina Moussa net worth is... Christina Moussa Quiz | Test, Bio, Birthday, Net Worth, Height Family and some related quiz to play like Christina Moussa Quiz | Test, Bio, Birthday, Net Worth, Height Family. 4-hajar Créez un compte en quelques clics ou connectez-vous pour continuer. What is Prophets in Arabic? 2-haroun What is Messenger in Arabic? Here you can create your own quiz and questions like Christina Moussa net worth is... also and share with your friends. appId : '1499612433621269', Design by the-skyrock-team Choose this background, #Posted on Wednesday, 27 December 2006 at 12:00 AM, masoeurdu13,
Your WordPress theme is probably missing the essential wp_head() call. © Copyright 2020 Katibî - Tous droits réservés | Designé par Proweb Studio - Mentions Légales. Quiz Les Prophètes de l'islam : Connaître nos prophètes et Messagers.Les 25 prophètes qui sont cités dans le Coran !
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