Sainte Valérie de Milan Sainte Valérie de Milan Epouse de Vital de Ravenne, tous deux martyrs au 2ème siècle. Protais) portant de l'eau à son mariVital de Ravenne. Elle est morte sous les coups et sous la torture. Bl. Vers l’an 1000, les moines de saint Martial envoyèrent les reliques des deux saints en leur prieuré de Chambon dans la Creuse. refuge, selon d'autres. Patrizi owned two such relics: one of Saint Prosper, as well as part of the arm-bone of Saint Valeria. Cries of "Save Saint Valérie! She avowed herself to be one of the faithful. [1] The reigning Pope had commanded the priests of the area to organize nine decurias, each consisting of five men and five virgins. Se decidi di continuare la navigazione o chiudendo questo banner, presti il consenso al uso di tutti i cookie. Dedicated to both Saint Clotilde and Saint Valerie, construction started in 1846 and was completed in 1857. Elle est fêtée le 28 avril. A church dedicated to her in Milan was destroyed in 1786.[3]. Valerie is a derivative of Valeria. qui subissait la torture pour sa foi, il fut jeté dans un puits et All materials contained on this site, whether written, audible or visual are the exclusive property of Catholic Online and are protected under U.S. and International copyright laws, © Copyright 2020 Catholic Online. Fête le 28 avril. Rappelons pour celles qui portent ce beau nom, toujours en vogue, qu’elle était l’épouse de saint Vital martyr à Ravenne au 2ème siècle. Valerie is a derivative of Valeria. It was placed on the altar of St. Joseph Church, with solemn ceremonies attended by more than four thousand people. The reliquary was then brought to the Mount Carmel Convent Chapel until the new church was built, where it was installed with due reverence. Un bas-relief qui Omelia del 28 Aprile 2020: Vangelo e Parola del Giorno. Sainte Valérie de Milan, Martyre. According to legend, Vitalis was a soldier who, when the physician St. Ursicinus of Ravenna wavered when faced with death for Christ, encouraged him to stand firm. It is said she was from a noble family, and at an early age was baptized, being among the first converts to Christianity in the city of Milan. époux a subi le martyre à Ravenne : pour avoir encouragé un chrétien Biographie . Elle est morte sous les coups et sous la torture. Catholic Online is a Project of Your Catholic Voice Foundation, a Not-for-Profit Corporation. He was appointed chancellor of France after the death of Michel de l'Hôpital in 1674. Saint Valeria of Milan (d. 1st or 2nd century), or Saint Valérie, according to Christian tradition, was the wife of Vitalis of Milan and the mother of Sts. Sainte Valérie de Milan Martyre (✝ 171) et son mari saint Vital de Ravenne (culte supprimé en 1969), martyrs à Ravenne, parents supposés des saints Gervais et Protais. Stay up to date with the latest news, information, and special offers. Your Catholic Voice Foundation has been granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Dates de Fête 9 décembre, Fête Locale . Certains Copyright 2020 Catholic Online. were heard from the onlookers. Valère et Valérie, en latin, sens de : brave, vaillant, valeureux. If you have already donated, we sincerely thank you. The prized relic was placed in a box of pasteboard, and sealed with Cardinal Patrizi's coat of arms. Valéry or Valery is a masculine given name in parts of Europe (particularly in France and Russia), as well as a common surname in Francophone countries. Sainte Valérie de Milan († au Ier siècle ou en 171) est une martyre chrétienne et l'épouse de saint Vital, martyr lui aussi à Ravenne. Statue of Saint Valeria, Rue Saint-Vital,, Articles with Italian-language sources (it), Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Relic and reliquary in Thibodaux, Louisiana, With Saint Vitalis, Saint Gervasius and Saint Protasius; being beaten with clubs, This page was last edited on 19 January 2020, at 04:58. Federal Tax Identification Number: 81-0596847. Dénoncé comme chrétien, Vital fut jeté au fond d’un … Hi readers, it seems you use Catholic Online a lot; that's great! On 25 May 1916, a fire began in the sacristy of St. Joseph's, and within minutes it was realized the church would not be saved. The British Museum has in its collection an enameled reliquary sometimes misidentified as that of St. Valeria of Milan, but the reliquary is actually associated with Valerie of Limoges, a different saint. Continuando a utilizzare questo sito senza modificare le impostazioni dei cookie o cliccando su "Accetta" permetti il loro utilizzo. Sainte Valérie de Milan († au I er siècle) ou en 171 est une martyre chrétienne et l'épouse de saint Vital, martyr lui aussi à Ravenne. En Italie, on se souvient en ce jour de sainte Valérie. Its imposing twin spires are 70 metres tall. She was martyred for burying Christian martyrs, and then refusing to sacrifice to the Roman gods. I campi obbligatori sono contrassegnati *, Questo sito utilizza cookie tecnici e, previo tuo consenso, cookie di profilazione, e di terze parti, a scopi pubblicitari e per migliorare i servizi ed esperienza dei lettori. Saint Valeria of Milan (d. 1st or 2nd century), or Saint Valérie, according to Christian tradition, was the wife of Vitalis of Milan and the mother of Sts. Dénoncé comme chrétien, Vital fut jeté au fond d’un puits et étouffé sous un tas de pierres et de sable à Ravenne. Pour en savoir plus sur l'utilisation des cookies, vous pouvez consulter nos conditions générales d'utilisation ainsi que notre politique de gestion des données personnelles qui y est annexée. Thank you. Her remains were gathered by other Christians and were deposited in the Catacombs of Saint Sebastian. Their duty was to gather the corpses of Christians who had been martyred in the Coliseum (Flavian Amphitheatre) and other places of martyrdom the preceding day. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata. Let the Gospel lead the way. Il tuo indirizzo email non sarà pubblicato. Le Relais Sainte Valérie fait partie de la paroisse Saint-Vincent-de-Paul du diocèse de Limoges. A mosaic depicting Valeria appears in the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna. Valerio Bernardo Maria Crucified Satellico →, St. Elizabeth Sterling Silver Round Medal, 40 Days of Deals - 15% OFF - FREE Shipping $60+, Government restrictions on religion hit new high, even before COVID. In fact, the reliquary was one of the few objects saved from the ruins. Sainte Valérie et date de fête. Sainte It was laid in a coffin-like reliquary of oak and glass from The Netherlands, and decorated with gilded copper. en France représente sainte Valérie avec l'un de ses fils (Gervais ou Born in Milan, then a French duchy, René de Birague pursued a successful career in the service of the French monarchy, as an administrator, jurist, and later as a soldier. Elle est fêtée le 28 avril. étouffé. Sainte Valérie de Milan, martyre († 171) Au IIe siècle, mariée à S. Vital, personnage consulaire, Valérie mourut martyre à Ravenne alors que son mari périssait martyr lui-aussi à Milan (Italie) (1) Vital était un militaire né à Milan, père de S. Gervais et de S. Protais, martyrs. L’etymologie latine : "Valere", être fort, courageux. Per maggiori informazioni o negare il consenso, leggi la informativa estesa OK. 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