Fabriques transnationales du genre après la chute du Mur, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2019, 306 pages. Contrary to a binary approach that would present matters in terms of oppression and emancipation, I study the effect of engagement on activist trajectories, including in their re-appropriation of gender norms. «Je sentais qu’une partie des élèves ressentait une forme de désillusion et je voulais la quantifier» explique-t-il. 490 Riverside Drive, Rm 414, New York, NY 10027, Columbia, Barnard announce preliminary spring 2021 plans, A crash course on university honors, awards, and scholar programs. It departs from the criticism of existing studies on Qutb, which tend to explain his biographical breaks as an ideological conversion from variously defined secularisms to Islamism. Critique article is the paper to make students highlight their evaluation of a particular article, book, statement, etc. This stage is the candidate’s chance to meet Sciences Po in person and he or she will steer the interview in these first five minutes. Sciences Po is a selective research university of international standing based on the values of openness and excellence. : 01 58 71 70 91, Coralie Meyer Tél/Phone: +33 (0)1 58 71 70 85 coralie.meyer@sciencespo.fr, Cette paix qui divise : une analyse de la médiation au Mali par ses effets, La fabrique du secteur de l'environnement en Équateur : l'international par le bas et le quotidien des bonnes pratiques, Esquiver les critiques : les institutions financières internationales face aux politiques de lutte contre la pauvreté au Brésil et au Mexique, Mémoire reconnue et mémoires méconnues du conflit armé colombien : le cas du massacre de Trujillo, L’union fait-elle la force face à l’autoritarisme tunisien ? Ensuite, les étudiants déçus décrivent une ambiance «élitiste» et «hypocrite» sur le campus parisien. It moreover underscores the competition among international financial institutions for preeminence and to receive intellectual credit for CCTP. Please consider helping us out by whitelisting our site in three easy steps. Foi após o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial que o então presidente Charles de Gaulle resolveu modificar a gestão da escola e ampliar suas funções públicas como centro de pesquisa criando a Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques para funcionar como gestora principal do reformulado Instituto de Estudos Políticos. It also allows us to assess whether the candidate will be a good fit for the institution’s criteria and his or her potential to succeed at Sciences Po. Arguing that such a bias is due to the difficulty of accessing sources other than Qutb’s intellectual production, I suggest to understand this Egyptian intellectual in terms of his worldliness, accessible to us via the “textual noise” produced as result of his practices of socialization. [This Divisive Peace: An Effect-Based Analysis of Mediation in Mali] Why was the mediation process in Mali accompanied by the fragmentation of armed movements, which had in principle embarked on the path of reconciliation? The mediators’ belief that economic resources are crucial to bringing about peace resulted in the establishment of a mechanism that imposed a system for remunerating those who had engaged in violence, past or present. Sciences Po também oferece um [3] em Inglês, um programa de mestrado em dois anos para jovens profissionais de todo o mundo. They will be asked to study the two images and select one for commentary. The “Readings” section offers reviews as well as reports on the state of thematic literature, allowing for an assessment of the research in a given field. More specifically, what role do the Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank play in formulating the anti-poverty programs known as Conditional Cash Transfer Programs (CCTP) in Brazil and Mexico? In this introductory part of the interview, candidates are asked to present their background and experience, profiles as applicants and ambitions for Sciences Po. Paul de Coustin • There is no “right” answer and the interview is about establishing an open discussion around possible interpretations. A comparative social sciences journal, Critique internationale aims to shed light on the social sciences of politics from a comparative and empirical perspective. To this day, I have yet to find a final answer, but perhaps a good working response is that this dual experience has given me the privilege to be surprised. The interview panel consists of two examiners, including secondary school teachers and/or members of the academic staff at Sciences Po. In so doing, it reveals the limits of the Colombian state’s efforts since the 2000s to construct a shared narrative based on the suffering of victims: while recognizing their pain and constructing peace appear to be imperatives at the national level, the violence is seen as inevitable at the local level and is still sometimes justified by the inhabitants. Leurs réponses ont été supprimées. Please note: failure to attend your interview will result in the rejection of your application. O Instituto forma juntamente com a Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques a instituição conhecida como Sciences Po Paris. A Sciences Po Paris é também membro fundador da Sorbonne Paris Cité,[2] o pólo de pesquisa e ensino superior que agrupa algumas das principais universidades de Paris. Click the blue “on/off” icon and make sure it turns gray. The sensitive nature of images means they instantly open up discussions, which are enriched by the multiple interpretations that each image invites. Trois raisons à cela, selon les répondants. [Between Constraint and Political Subjectivation: Women's Activism in Turkey’s Justice and Development Party] This article draws upon interviews and observation among activists from the women’s branch of the AKP in Turkey to examine the possibilities for political subjectivation in partisan engagement. CERI - UMR 705056, rue Jacob 75006 Paris Tel. Plateforme de référence pour les publications de sciences humaines et sociales. Spectator is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Le constat est sévère. Rather, the measures established by mediation endogenously create the conditions for the perpetuation of armed conflict. Then, this shared professional socialization allows me to highlight the process, characteristic of this sector, by which its international dimension is rendered invisible as well as the consequences that this has for the actors’ practices. At whose expense is our “well-padded paradise” constructed? Les études en sciences politiques dispensées à l’UNamur développent votre esprit critique par une formation qui, dans une société en pleine transition, promeut des valeurs telles que l’engagement, l’ouverture sur le monde, la solidarité, la soutenabilité ou encore la collaboration. Un enseignement varié, une vie associative très développée et de belles opportunités. Sendo a principal referência francesa nas áreas de política, economia política e relações internacionais. Learning how to cook, clean, get healthcare (especially when it’s free), and finding your own (state-subsidized) housing with your parents in tow are hardly “Spartan” tasks—they’re just parts of being an adult. The present article draws upon the sociology of memory to study the relations between local memories of the massacre of the Colombian village of Trujillo and the historical memory of the same events developed by a nationally and internationally recognized victims’ association.
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