We share freely and only a sk that you give acknowledgement for the source. Select resources from other providers are also posted with permission. Sign in|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. The creation of this consortium has resulted in the mapping of the lower 48 United States, Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico into a comprehensive land cover product termed, the National Land Cover Database (NLCD), from decadal Landsat satellite imagery and other supplementary datasets. What we are learning from action learning, Action Learning Schools Case Study Evaluation, June 2018, Grade 1/2 Communities in Canada - Hutterite Communities, IEYE Introduction Final Teachers- Reading and Writing. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has released a new generation of National Land Cover Database (NLCD) products named NLCD 2016 for the conterminous U.S. NLCD 2016 contains 28 different land cover products characterizing land cover and land cover change across 7 epochs from 2001-2016, urban imperviousness and urban imperviousness change across 4 epochs from 2001-2016, tree canopy and tree canopy change across 2 epochs from 2011-2016 and western U.S. shrub and grassland areas for 2016. NLCD is coordinated through the 10-member Multi‑Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium (MRLC), a two decades-long interagency federal government collaboration that has proved an exemplary model of cooperation among federal agencies to combine resources to provide digital land cover information for the Nation. Percent developed imperviousness, Minneapolis/St. Select resources from other providers are also posted with permission. A new product for NLCD 2016 land cover is the NLCD Land Cover Change Index. NLCD 2016 also offers an impervious surface descriptor product. NLCD 2016 now offers land cover for years 2001, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2016, and impervious surface for 2001, 2006, 2011, and 2016. We share freely and only a. sk that you give acknowledgement for the source. Paul, Minnesota, Percent developed imperviousness, Houston, Texas, Percent developed impervious, Colorado Springs, CO, On the ground photograph - new high intensity developed land cover example in The Woodlands, Texas, On the ground photograph - Snow/ice (glacier example) and coniferous forest land cover examples in Alaska, On the ground photograph - woody wetland land cover example in Alaska, On the ground photograph – barren land cover (glacial outwash) - Alaska, On the ground photograph - herbaceous wetland land cover example in the Perl River Basin, Louisiana, On the ground photograph – hay/pasture agriculture example in Colorado, On the ground photograph – hay-pasture, forest, and barren land cover (on mountain top) example, Colorado, National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) Consortium. La liste des MLRC figure dans l'article 224 et les décrets pris en application de l'article 225 du Code Rural - Les maladies réputées contagieuses et qui donnent lieu à déclaration et à l'application des mesures sanitaires sont en 1999 : - la rage dans toutes les espèces ; - la fièvre charbonneuse chez les mammifères de toutes espèces ; mRLC Tools and Resources provides materials developed by our network participants that have been tested in the field and found useful. NLCD 2016 represents the most comprehensive land cover database ever produced by the USGS and was specifically developed to meet the rapidly growing demand for land cover change data. The change index was designed to assist NLCD users to understand complex land cover change with a single product. This product identifies types of roads, core urban areas, and energy production sites for each impervious pixel to allow deeper analysis of developed features. The Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) consortium is a group of federal agencies who coordinate and generate consistent and relevant land cover information at the national scale for a wide variety of environmental, land management, and modeling applications. These products update all previously released versions of landcover and impervious products for CONUS (NLCD 2001, NLCD 2006, NLCD 2011) and are not directly comparable to previous products. Data are available on this website either as prepackaged products or custom product areas can be interactively chosen using the viewer. provides materials developed by our network participants that have been tested in the field and found useful.
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