at, greet; by, close to, beside; with, (together) with; according to, after; reaching to, against, leaning against; to, toward, toward, at; in exchange for; by; because of; by means of; equal to; against (in a contest); við, viðr, with(ær) (â¡), wiþr (â¡), vidh(er) (â¡), at, in; as to, as, with respect to; on account of, by reason of; close up to, around, by, to, towards, against; from; according to; regarding; concerning; after (prep), at, in; onto, on; to, towards; with respect to; upon; by (means of); during; in the manner of; in the course of (prep); onwards (adv), Athalstan (personal name), king of England, b. share, hand out; distribute; mediate; make a compromise; share; divide; change; amount to; shape; exchange; decide; have dealings in; decide (course of events); shear, cut; cut through; cut open, pierce; make incisions, carve; slaughter; sheep; cattle; wealth, money; possessions (n). age; lifetime; old age; long period of time; age; time; [poetic] man (f); mankind, humanity, world; human beings, men (f pl). 14 jaar (óf wordt 14 in dit kalenderjaar)7km: Min. bind, tie, fasten; dress; bind up (a wound); pledge; bishop's see; stool, chair; king's throne or residence (m). Ragnar gaat tegen de wil van Haraldson in op zoek naar de veelbelovende landen en stuit zo op Engeland. prepare, make ready; live (in a place), dwell, inhabit; array, dress; have a household, keep house; be, be ready; press, urge on, compel, force; struggle; exert oneself; knock (at the door); priest, monk (Irish monk), pope; Culdee, name for the Irish anchorites said to be in Iceland when the first Norse settlers arrived (m), probable; like, resembling; promising; likely; similar to; corresponding to, in accordance with (adj). need, difficulty, distress; harm; poverty; need; (impers.) employment, service; food; food and lodging, provisions; stay; abode; empty, clear, prepare, pile up (or clear away) (v), enclosed space, yard; farmyard, enclosure; court; fence; dwelling-place; stronghold, castle (m). Verder is de veronderstelde onwetendheid omtrent het bestaan van Engeland en Ierland discutabel en wordt in de serie veelvuldig de doodstraf voltrokken in plaats van vogelvrijverklaring (skoggangr) manner, custom, kind, type; (m); activity, habits, behavior (m pl); manner, fashion; road, path; way, journey (f). recognize, know; notice, perceive; accept; recompense, return; feast; guild; payment due, tribute, offerings or compensation (n). host of warriors, troop; folk, people, men; (poetic) battle; host, band of men; people; troops; following; herd; help, aid; host; companion (m); host, company (m pl), Hott (personal name), Hood (the Masked One) (m), hot-tempered; sudden, hasty, impatient (adj). In the same coastal areas of northern Russia, there are also places that end on ”nos” which comes from the old Norse ”nes”. LevertijdWe doen er alles aan om dit artikel op tijd te bezorgen. (hoofdboeker) worden aangeschaft en/of middels dezelfde Strong Viking partnercode. sprinkle; pour; ladle; water; (mid.) purchase; loosen, untie; depart; redeem; tear; conceal a thing; send (from one's house); purpose, expect, look for, intend (to do), mean; fated; think, consider (to be); put right; reach, stretch up or out; raise; atone for; put to the test; try; make trial of; test (v). choice, alternative; offer; chance, opportunity; money available; match, marriage; state, condition, quality; terms; cost, expense; choose, select; pick out something for someone, determine; acquire something for someone; choose; take, capture, catch, seize; take hold of, grasp, pick up; reach, touch; begin; undertake; accept, receive; begin (with infin. Vikings is een Iers-Canadese historische dramaserie uit 2013, gebaseerd op de saga's van de viking Ragnar Lodbrok. be obtainable; grant, give; help; pay, yield; (recip.) out of, from; of; from inside of; made of; using (as material); with the material of; out of, from; with; concerning; because of (prep). Boer Ragnar heeft echter verhalen gehoord over de "grote schatten" die in het westen te rapen vallen en wil eens graag die kant op. begin; begin (with infin. speak of, mention; get; beget, obtain, persuade, be able to, get done; guess, think, suppose; relate, tell of; engender; be obtainable; (with infin.) temper, mind; manner; mood; nature; character; way; temple, sanctuary (outdoor sanctuary), (stone) altar. difficult, quarrelsome, stubborn, troublesome to deal (with); overbearing; difficult; evil, (qualitatively) bad, wretched; (morally) bad; wicked; obliging; difficulty, need, distress; harm; poverty; dimension; road, way; journey; glory, honor; direction; side; mode, manner; din, thunder, resound, whir, whistle (of wings), whizz; pour, shower (v). acquire fame; make great (v), gain possession of, get for oneself; get, possess (v).
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